Management of Pauntley Village Hall

Pauntley Parish Council is Sole Trustee of Pauntley Village Hall and responsible for its management and upkeep.  Meetings of the Parish Council as Sole Trustee of Pauntley Village Hall are held approximately every two months, and take place at approx. 8p.m. on the same evening as the Parish Council meeting in the Village Hall.  Because the Parish Council is Sole Trustee of the Village Hall, parish councillors receive a special dispensation from the Proper Officer of the Parish Council (i.e. the Clerk) to allow them to discuss village hall business without there being a conflict of interests. Members of the public are welcome at our meetings.

We are fortunate to have a group of supporters who help to look after the day-to-day running of the hall, the organisation of events, and all-important fundraising to help keep our hall viable.  This group consists of several parish councillors, along with other volunteers from the community.  Anyone is welcome to join our supporters, and any ideas and suggestions for events or fundraising, together with offers of help, are also appreciated.  If you would like to be involved with the village hall or to come along to help at any events, please contact Lesley on 01531 822315 or email  You would be very welcome!